Last week I got the opportunity to photograph the performance of legendary Emmy Lou Harris and her band. They were performing for a charity event in La Jolla to benefit the Foundation for the Children of the Californias

Her voice was all to familiar to me, as my father is longtime fan, and I remember listening to her 8 tracks in his truck as a child. I was very happy when I was able to tell him that I met & photographed her ;) - he said he was very proud. pretty cool. Theres nothing like photographing legends - its quaintly magical.
She played a song and I think its called "All I intend to be" (can't find it.... still looking)- which she said she wrote six years after the death of her poodle-mix, who inspired Harris to set up a shelter rescue program on her 50 acre back yard called Bonaparte's Retreat. The song was about a dog, about being a homeless dog, the life of - yup - i know - right up my alley ;) it was truly amazing - I shed a few tears and you would too - find it, listen to it! & let me know when you do. (I just found the song I think it is - you can watch it here - ‘Big Black Dog’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOaUt9vG-qA )
(Bonapartes Retreat) "The rescue is dedicated to providing nurturing foster care for shelter dogs when their allotted time at the shelter has elapsed; to prevent these wonderful animals from being euthanized and to find them permanent, loving homes. Bonaparte's Retreat was created to rescue dogs who were unadoptable from Nashville Humane Association. It has evolved into rescuing dogs who have run out of time at Metro Nashville Animal Control." -BR Website.
Meeting Emmy Lou and being able t photograph her was another all time life moment - and for that I am blessed & thankful!