Way back in 2005.
Cat Greenleaf and Michael Rey made their way to San Diego to
shoot a feature for Discovery’s Travel Channel. The came to the VOICE gallery did a short segmant and then Justin & I spent the day with them touring & filming San Diego. Years later, we still stay in touch. A little over a year ago they commissioned me to create a panel from one of my photos. At the time I had only made 4'x4' panels. The photo they were interested in, was definitely NOT going to fit in a 4'x4' dimension. So we created the first 4'x6' panel to accommodate the photo, "Health". Cat just mailed me this article from the New Yorker Paper in which they were featured in the
Home section (click to read full article). 
If you check out the yellow highlighted box it says that Cat named one of her favorite things in her home as my "Health" panel - very cool! You can see a photo of it behind them (red arrow). Since they have had this panel in their home, they have introduced it to many of their friends including
Keri Glassman of Nutrious Life and
Maggie Gallant - Senior Vice President at Rogers & Cowan, both of which have commissioned a Health panel from me. Thanks Cat & Mike, so much!

Cat is currently a features reporter for WNBC, NewsChannel 4 in NYC. She also hosts a segment called
Talk Stoop - in which she interviews celebrities passing through NYC on her front stoop. Also she has just launched her new company called
LUSTBKLYN. I went to her launch party last night at Fred Segal in LA with Peyton Robertson and Ashley Netzband of
Bay Bird Inc along with my bff Jolene (thanks gurl for making the trek with me, yeah we got home at a lovely 3am,,, gotta love when they do construction on the 5fwy in the early morning).

We had GREAT time, it was very cool. So happy I went. & I got to meet their baby Nick for the first time.
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